Saturday, June 25, 2011


Love is a scary thing!! You give someone your heart and they say they won't break it but usually end up doing that.  I've learned after my breakup that this was ment to be and I don't regret a single thing that happened.  Even though I am still confused, there is no point at trying to figure out what went wrong.  Everyday I am getting stronger and can think about him without crying.  Even though I still cared alot about him, it would be my biggest mistake to wait around for someone that I'm not sure will come back for me.  I'm going to college this year and there are so may fish in the sea, I'm bound to catch at least one.  This relationship has taught me that I deserve to be treated better because I have feelings too.  I've learned to speak up and that relationships are based on both of your feelings not just one person.  You think you'll never get over your first love and keep hoping they will change their minds and come back for you.  But one day you will wake up and say yes I am over you and I can do so much better.  Sex and the City has funny enough helped me with my breakup.  It has shown me that you will have alot of men that break your heart but it will be all worth it in the end, because there will be that one person that will come along and you will never have your heart broken again.  But most importantly all you need is your friends.  No matter who or how bad someone broke your heart all you need is a great group of friends to get you through it!!

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