Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Everyone always says familys gotta stick together..... well in this case not so much. We always have at least one diva that always has to have the spotlight, the jokster, the insane one you dont know what to do with, and then theres me, just the plain jane.  Always gets stuck in the middle of things and just wants to be heard. Problems in the family are normal these days, well Ive been watching this family fall to pieces each day, and all of a sudden today the ship has finally sunk!! Youve always got two sides to the story and everyone is always right.  They tell you not to take sides but then tell u well thats not true i heard from her that this happened and blah blah blah all anyone does is talk to much cant anyone learn to SHUT UP for a change!!  Its sad when you lose respect for someone you looked up to and now I get a sick feeling in my stomach everytime i see them. When i try and stay out of things and dont go over to a relatives house its not because im mad its because i dont wanna hear the two faced high school drama crap. Thank you very much but if i want to get into drama i can just go to school.  And noone knows what the word no is when you tell someone stop NO i dont wanna hear it... what do they do, they keep their pie hole open and keep on talkin. And in this family oo boy if u have an opinion u better keep it to youself because you either being rude or mean if u disagree with me missy...  PLEASE!!

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