Monday, August 15, 2011

Growing Pains

This part of life when everyone is leaving for college is just around the corner.  Listening to everyone talk about packing up their lifes in a box and starting the new chapter.  All I want to do is run and find my teddy bear and hold on tight for dear life.  Trying to hold on to my childhood, but it's just slipping through my fingers like liquid.  Every day that passes by is a day closer to a big life change.  All I want is to stop the hands of time but they keep pushing me down, down, down.  Drowning me with the realization that my friends are leaving and I am alone on this journey called life.  All I can do is keep walking and find the light at the end of this long dark tunnel. Trying to be strong but all I can do is shed a tear.  Enjoy your childhood because it will be gone before you know it and life will throw you into the real world unprepared.